8-track Manufacturers, Books, and Zines

  • KTS Productions is the 8-track production company for Kate’s Track Shack. Their mission is to bring the 8-track into the 21st century. Can it still be done, you ask? Yes, and KTSP can do it for you!
  • Dead Media Tapes – since 2006, Dead Media has offered 8 track/reel tape release and custom transfer manufacturing, one-stop record label, professional label design and vintage tapes/players/electronics for sale. Want a release on 8 track or reel?  Contact them here: https://www.facebook.com/deadmediatapes/
  • Off the Record: The Technology and Culture of Sound Recording in America. Dr. David Morton has a book out: You can order it from Amazon.Com by clicking here
  • 8-Track MindThe zine that started it all. After publishing this seminal tracker’s zine for over 10 years, Russ hung up his hat at issue #100 in 1998. Then out of the blue, Russ put out issue #101 in Summer 2011 and #102 (Summer 2013)!
  • The Book of Zines edited by Chip Rowe, one of the co-founders of 8-Track Heaven. “Here’s your chance to peek through the keyhole of a basement room filled with secret truths and private obsessions” — Paul Krassner, The Realist.

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