How to open GRT Quixsonic "rainbow" carts

How to open the Quixsonic GRT "rainbow" 8-tracks

by Paul Evans

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 Here's how to open the Quixsonic GRT rainbow carts.....I wish somebody  had pointed this out, or that I figured it out, before I mangled the  best Quixsonic I've ever come across, a Desmond Dekker  tape.....anyway, here goes:

 Get a thin flat-head screwdriver or the equivalent. The plastic of the top part sort of "drapes" over the bottom at the end label. On both  sides of the cart, one side at a time obviously, work your screwdriver  between the two halves down at the end label and get some room between  them to work with. In this pic, the opposite side is already done: 

 Then twist your screwdriver to the right and slide the top down, away  from the side where the tape is exposed: 

Then, just lift: 

Once you've replaced the pad, you just lay the top down and slide back into place; here's a pre-slide pic: 

 Hope this helps somebody....

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