Why 8-Tracks?

Eight-track collectors are the archivists of a unique and glorious technology. We embrace a machine that has ceased to exist in the present, one which Madison Avenue has, arbitrarily, made synonymous with "last year's model," obsolescence and backwardness (they scream, "You don't have a cellular phone yet? You probably still listen to 8-tracks..."). We are a group that refuses to believe it when corporate America insists that the new technology sounds better; a group whose members understand implicitly the relevance of looking back in history in order to see forward.

When you say yes to 8-track you're generally saying no to the accepted wisdom of our hallowed consumer culture, decrying this religion of consumption as the worship of hollow, deceptive idols. The format is not so important as the information within it, so the plan of corporations to make you re-buy the same music over and over again on different formats is, as one tracker puts it, "backwards thinking." Commit an act of consumer disobedience with us and reject the unjust laws of a marketplace ruled by greed. Follow the way of the 8-track and reap the spiritual rewards that come with renewing and recycling instead of stepping in line with the cattle so captivated with the consumerist culture that ultimately benefits only landfill brokers.

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